vendredi, décembre 01, 2006

Non Sequitur #64

Folding Paper

It's not a scientific rule, it's more "accepted wisdom". You cannot keep folding a piece of paper in half for more than (insert number between seven and ten) times. The most common claim is seven times. It would seem that some American student solved this problem of "common knowledge" and has succeeded in folding a paper for 12 times. To do it, she needed 1.2 km of bog paper. Which proves that given enough time on a toilet, provided that there is a sufficient amount of toilet paper and patience... anything can be solved.

Other's prefer to quote Spanish poet Juan Ramon Jimenez as an example of pereseverance against all odds: "If they give you ruled paper, then write the other way".

The Ideal Salary

Here's one for ajjut! The Office series. It's a suggestion for your next job interview. If you are being interviewed and the potential employer decides to ask you that corny questin: "How much would you expect to earn?" do not look confused and uncomfortable. Instead adopt your best charitable look that says "I'm here to learn and do not need much money" and then suggest the following salary agreement to your employer.

On the first day you will receive 1 cent. On the next day this will double to 2 cents. The doubling will only go on for 30 days and then it will stop and you will be paid a monthly rate fixed at the value reached on the 30th day. Nothing much no? A few cents out of the employers pocket and everybody's happy.


Now take some time to actually work it out. Whether it's Euro Cents, Maltese Cents or American Cents makes little difference. I am sure you would agree with me that you have struck the right deal. All you need to do is find a potential employer who is gullible enough to sign up to the contract.

2 commentaires:

Arcibald a dit…

tajba tajba :) hasra li s-serje tieghi hija bbazata fuq fatti vera li grawli imma din ma tantx tista' tigri, specjalment lili.

Kenneth a dit…

Good old geometric progressions! I remember this very same problem in my first year Pure Maths annual exam paper, and everyone was thinking they had their answers wrong because of the astronomical nature of the amount.

For the mathematically challenged, the answer is a whopping Lm 10,737,418.24.

There's a really simple formula to work out the sum of the first n terms of a g.p..