mercredi, août 10, 2005

A Profoundly Human Blogosphere?

One of the items on my To Blog list was the IHT editorial which commented on the State of the Blogosphere report that has already been mentioned on J'Accuse. Here are two paragraphs from the article in question:

If the blogosphere continues to expand at this rate, every person who has Internet access will be a blogger before long, if not an actual reader of blogs. The conventional media have often discussed the growing impact of blogging on the coverage of news. Perhaps the strongest indicator of the importance of blogdom isn't those discussions themselves, but the extent to which media outlets are creating blogs - or bloglike manifestations - of their own.

(...) It's natural enough to think of the growth of the blogosphere as a merely technical phenomenon. But it's also a profoundly human phenomenon, a way of expanding and, in some sense, reifying the ephemeral daily conversation that humans engage in. Every day the blogosphere captures a little more of the strange immediacy of the life that is passing before us. Think of it as the global thought bubble of a single voluble species.
The media hooks on to the phenomenon. The phenomenon continues to be defined or to escape a single definition. The August Shrink might be a phase but it seems that blogging is not a temporary phenomenon after all.

Blog A Diem!

* Check out Dante Chinni's article on "Journalim's Fear and Loathing of Blogging" on the Christian Science Monitor.

3 commentaires:

gybexi a dit…

Taqra l-Christian Science Monitor int? Hmm... that explains quite alot! :p
(qed niccajta btw - ma tmurx tibda xi krucjata kontrijja).

it's an interesting article - even though Chinni has this ominiscient, didactic, "i'm scoffing at the world's efforts" sort of writing style which I think can be slightly arrogant/pretentious sometimes... christians eh? You just can't be them (oh we tried, we tried!) :p

gybexi a dit…

"beat them" not "be them".

Freudian slip inkwetanti hafna dik...

(nersqu lejn l-altar, ha naghtu qima u gieh...)

Jacques René Zammit a dit…

E lo chiamavano sempre J'Accuse....