mercredi, avril 12, 2006

Hasta La Victoria

And here I am in Cuba on a relatively promising pc in the Hotel Nacional. Just enough time to write a shortpost and add to whatever seems to have already been said all over the Malteseblogland. WELL DONE ARNOLD. It would seem that what is unelectable in Malta is very electable in Lo Stivale. Great. I know that many commented butFausto stook out. More interested in the fact that the majority of Italians in Malta preferred CDL to UNIONE than in the fact that his favourite green is now in the Italian House while he is still not too good for Malta. Sometimes I wonder if Fausto writes the scripts for NET TV.

Well. You may be asking yourselves why the hell am I posting instead of enjoying this wonderful country. Firstly i felt the impulse to post when I read about Arnie. Secondly, I felt that Fausto's mistrust of Cuban technology must be disproved and third... well... thirdly... it is raining. There is an occasional storm as the "winter" approaches here so I ran to the Internet Cafe at the hotel. Thankfully no queue of over 50 people outside this one unlike the one in central Havana.Now that the sun seems to have come out again I am off for a dip in the pool. There's a drunk Englishman there who seems intent on telling all and sundry why Cuba is suuuuuper. Not exactly Hemmingway or Churchill or Sinatra... but then they tell me that guests at this hotel are not what they used to be. Until I came that is!

Seeing ya!

2 commentaires:

Antoine Cassar a dit…

Sewwa bsart jien:

(1) Li jkun hemm aċċess għall-internet fil-lukanda ta' La Habana
(2) Li Jacques jibbloggja minn Kuba
(3) Li Jacques jikkummenta fuq l-osservazzjoni ta' Fausto dwar ir-rebħa taċ-CdL f'Malta (u kif! B'dik ir-referenza għan-NET TV qsamtni bid-daħk Jacques... żid il-fatt li għadni kemm xrobt (kumbinazzjoni) Bacardi u tliet amaretti Disaronno u li l-lejla ninsab ferħan se ntir -skużani Fausto- qed nidħak qisni miġnun u ma nistax nieqaf!!)


Michael Briguglio a dit…

Wow say HI to Cuba for me!!

I was there in 1997 when a delegation of Maltese youths from Moviment Graffitti attended a festival for youth with about 12,000 other youths from around the world!

Do the 'camel' buses still exist? How's the malecon promenade? Any signs of rehabilitation of the various architectural gems? And the people? What's the mood?