mercredi, juillet 27, 2005


I could not resist a "Sun" type title for this post. It appears that the oldest sample of a phallic symbol has been discovered in the land of Ze Germans. It goes back to 28,000 years ago and measures 20 centimetres (length) by 3 centimetres (diameter). They had to tell us the measurements.

The rarity of the find consists in the fact that findings of that period tend to concentrate on the female symbols and although similar male symbols were found in France and Morocco it still remains a rarity. The artefact was found in 14 separate pieces... an early Bobbit?

28,000 years ago they carved phallic symbols and left them in caves... today they are voted into parliament and spend five years coming up with phallic of laws most of the time.

Article found in La Repubblica.

5 commentaires:

Arcibald a dit…

The latest one was created by Richard England and can be found at University of Malta between the Communications and Law/Theology Buildings (when you go down the stairs). That is until we see the design for the new hospital, or (god forbid) the design for the new parliament just opposite burger king instead of Teatru Rjali. He could easily design some form of phallic symbol as a symbol representing all politicians. What do you think?

gybexi a dit…

boo. rajthu qablek l-artiklu u kont ser nibblogjah jien... issa ha mmur ghax ser nitlef l-ajruplan ghall-Portugall...

Jacques René Zammit a dit…

buon viaggio... u jien minghaliha li ibbloggjajt kmieni fid-disgha ta filghodu!

PeachBellini a dit…

I almost wrote about this and decided not to. It's the same team apparently that found the "oldest pornographic statue". In one newspaper report (I forget which) the phallus was said to have also been used as a tool... I SO shouldn't read news at breakfast.

Kenneth a dit…

Bhalma qal xi hadd fil-blogg t'Arcibald fuq statwa b'partijiet ta' l-istess ghamla... tghid jiehu batteries?