jeudi, septembre 22, 2005

J'Accuse 20,000 hits later

Smells Like Cheese Spirit

13 commentaires:

david a dit…

It takes 20 fellow wankellectuals 200 days to tot up 20,000 hits at an average hit - rate of 5 visits per day.

How many days would it take 5 wankellectuals to bring in 40,000 votes for Alternattiva Demokratika in the forthcoming elections at a rate of 3 converts per day? (factor in the combined "black-hole" effect of Micallef Leyson, Norman Lowell, the ANR and DCG)

Jacques René Zammit a dit…

Too true. interestingly enough J'Accuse averages 80 wankellectual unique visits a day (that's 60 more than 20) which would make it more like 16,000 unique hits over the same period.

(And that is not factoring in the bocca, lorna and RRR effect)

PeachBellini a dit…

Speaking of Lorna, it's Thursday and she doesn't seem to be gracing the pages of the Times. Jacques, is this your doing?:P

gybexi a dit…

20,000 hits...
smells like cheese spirit?
smells fishy more like :p

(min jaf kemm ilek tbabghas fil-counter Gwakk :p - u tghidlix li m'intix - ftakar li int avukat Ghawdxi... hadd mhux ser jemmnek... muhahaha [ecc ecc])

gybexi a dit…

btw - iva, qed nghir.. ;)


Jacques René Zammit a dit…

inkredibile ma vero. naf li kliemi dwar dan il-fatt ser jinstemghu bhal ta' Moggi dwar il-Juve izda minkejja li avukat u ghawdxi nista niggarantixxi illi il-hits huma kollha hemm u jeskludu tal-ordinateur du bureau u l-MAc tad-dar illi ghandhom l-IP address barred mill-counter.

naf li qed ticcajta kurat imma il-hits kienu importanti li inkompli. Minkejja li nikteb ghas-sodisfazzjjon personali kont nitpaxxa nara li jinqara' u li forsi nista nipprovoka (u nikser ghajn) X ammont ta' nies kuljum. Fejn taf forsi xi darba Fausto ma jibqax daqshekk stitiku lejn l-immigrati :)

Dwar unique Visits li huma iktar idea ta' kemm NIES jigu fis-sit kuljum u mhux HITS ara fuq (xorta noqorbu is-16,000 minn April! (ghax il-counter zdied xi xahar wara!)

david a dit…

Long live j'accuse I say!

La semmejtu l-Juve: A chi gli ricordava scherzando che lo scorso anno del Milan fortunato di inizio stagione si diceva che avesse in squadra il giocatore "Culovic" il presidente della lega calcio ha risposto, stando al gioco, che evidentemente in questa stagione il giocatore ha cambiato squadra: "Adesso � andato a dare una mano alla Juve, peccato, perch� servirebbe molto anche a noi".

Fausto Majistral a dit…

"Stitiku"?! Niggarantilek li l-imsaren jahdmu tajjeb hafna tenkjuverimacc.

Awguri tal-landmark li lhaqt. Issa se tqassam xi ftit mousepads (20K hits special limited edition) b'xejn?

Jacques René Zammit a dit…

kemm tghidlli l-isem u l-indirizz faust, u nibaghtlek kemm trid :)

Hsejjes a dit…

I have to congratualte you Jacques. But I am missing your alter ego....resurrect Sfiga I say!! Your daily bloggs used to be like a ray of sunshine in my miserable life as a :))

Anonyme a dit…

A truly sublime blog. The Maltese pioneer of all blogs. Tell all your friends about it and do try this at home. I will too when I get a break from saving the world with fellow Xmen.

Jacques René Zammit a dit…

thanks wolverine... Owen asks me who it is who is telling him hi! if you want to keep your anonimity just email him directly at

hsejjes... gakbu tells me that your request has been granted ;) Check out the latest stories at

Anonyme a dit…

Prosit Jacques a great website keep it up maybe one day a relevant new political party or lobby group might branch off!