jeudi, septembre 29, 2005

Lessons in Change: Augustinian Politics

Dr. Austin Gatt has an interesting article in todays' Independent where he tries to initiate a discussion for change. Gatt's voice can often be heard (not so difficult that one) from within the crowd of politicians' non-sensical babble trying to knock some hard sense into Maltese politics. His down-to-earth, brusque methods are not much appreciated and a bit of the arrogance that runs through the veins of us half-Gozitans, half-Maltese is very evident in his attitude. The man who goes by the real name of Agostino Pio is the closest there is on the nationalist side to real politics. His finesse leaves much to be desired but I prefer him any day to some people licking dude warming his Ministerial chair in a long-forgotten auberge surrounded by monochrome minions and yes men.

Gatt taught me one important lesson. You cannot change the Nationalist Party from within. His ideas which are more than reasonable are all too often drowned by the crowd of nazzjonalisti who he has chosen to be part of. There lies his greatest weakness. Another thought that frequently occurs to me is that the best partner for Gatt would have been Sant. On any other day in any other country a Gatt-Sant partnership would work wonders for Malta's economy. All we would have to do is to work out how to make people like us!

I thought this would be a good provocative point to reflect upon. Forget about the Fantasy Politics, it is all just wild ruminations on a cloudy day, but do look at the content of the article to see what I mean. Hardliners. Reformers. That is definitely a point for our plans ahead.

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3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

I see that my connection between Gatt and Thatcher did not go unnoticed. (wild peals of cachinnating laughter oscillating between cruel cackles and decent giggles with claps of thunder in the background).

One man who is committed to saving Malta (Gatt)but who loses out due to our democracy aka demagogy system.

Mark Vella a dit…

Ikolli nistqarr li naqbel hafna ma' dan l-artiklu ta' Gatt. Minkejja li juza t-tattici ekonomici li jidhru leminija, qed jitkellem b'mod realistiku ghas-sitwazzjoni mwieghra tal-pajjiz, li hija anke r-rizultat ta' politika stagnata partitokratika mibnija fuq alleanzi ta' kumdita'.

Li ma jsemmix Gatt, izda forsi ma kienx hemm ghaliex f'dan it-tip ta' artiklu, huma l-konsegwenzi socjali ta' din ir-riforma tant mehtiega.

Kollox ma' kollox, jekk riforma bhal din issehh b'mod sostenibbli u socjali, wiehed ma jistax ma jaqbilx maghha.

B'mohh bhal ta' Gatt, l-MLP se jkollu problema biex johrog b'ideat ahjar. Pass importanti li ghandu jaghmel il-Labour huwa li, filwaqt li jzomm (jew jerga' jirkupra) ir-ruh awtentika socjalista, ihares il-haddiem u jzomm qrib il-unions, irid ibiddel il-mentalita` antika tal-lanzit u tal-krucjati, jaggorna ruhu mal-mudelli godda tax-xellug Ewropew, u jipproponi mudelli socjali gusti u favur iz-zghir li madankollu jkunu ta' zmienhom, dinamici u sostenibbli, u mhux mibnija fuq miti li mghadhomx jghoddu.

Il-vizjoni tal-Hodor Ewropej u anki tal-Matin fil-fatt toqrob, f'certi waqtiet, lejn il-qalba ta' dak li qed jghid gatt, f'termini ta' efficjenza, valur mizjud, holqien ta' xoghol minn ghejun godda. Ovvjament, l-AD iridu jikkomunikaw u jartikolaw il-hsieb ekonomiku taghhom hafna ahjar milli qed jaghmlu bhalissa.

Il-problema tal-qalba, madankollu, naraha fil-PN, li jew maqsum jew inkella mhux qed jikkomunika sew il-hsieb tieghu. Proposta ta' Gatt igieghlni nismaghhom aktar, izda meta nisma' lil Gonzi jitkellem biss dwar koros tal-golf bhallikieku l-Mulej nebbhu ghal krucjata bhal din...jerga' jibdieli

Jacques René Zammit a dit…
