mercredi, septembre 21, 2005

Werzieq - Grillo MeetUp Group

I've finally got down to doing it. I have set up a Beppe Grillo MeetUp Group for the people living in Luxembourg and Brussles (although I am marketing as Benelux for convenience sake). I will shoulder the heavy burden of 19$ a month plus administration to try and get going this group of people who can meet and discuss anything while keeping a link with the general Beppe Grillo world.

I added the link to quite some time ago and have long been tempted to set up the proper meetup group as I am sure there are many Italian comedy enthusiasts in the vicinity. It is also an opportunity for some positive action politics to put our money where our mouth is. So in a way it is a double benefit. I do hope that as much of you will join. I could also suggest a setting up of Werzieq II in Brussels... a twin site which could also be joined by Luxembourgers (wink to David, Gybexi, Pierre et al).

Well here is the link to the MeetUp for anyone who would like to join.

Werzieq - Grillo Club dei Maltesi nel BeNeLux

Beppe Grillo Meetups

10 commentaires:

gybexi a dit…

ara naqra min ikollu hafna flus fuq xiex iberbaqhom... :p

(issa nghid jien m'hemmx mod ahjar kif tberbaq USD19 - tista' tmur naqra Rue du Fort Neipperg if you're that way inclined per ezempju...)

Arcibald a dit…

Tista' tispjega lil cuc bhali xi jkun hemm Rue du Fort Neipperg? :)

Btw Jacques jien fan ta' Beppe Grillo wkoll... ghandi 3 videos ta' shows tieghu vera tajbin. L-iktar wiehed tajjeb jismu Il Meglio 2003, avolja Spettacolo in Rai (1994) li kien sar live fuq ir-Rai qabel ma qacctuh 'il barra tajjeb hafna wkoll!

Jacques René Zammit a dit…

Antonio... you can still join the group though your presence at meetups will be difficult to achieve!

Arcibald a dit…

Ara ssiblix li xoghol hemm halli nkun nista' nidhol fil-club kif suppost - mhux translator imma! Xi haga relatata ma' PR jew media campaigns tkun eccellenti lol

U btw Luttazzi tajjeb ukoll. Bniedem iehor li tkecca mit-TV kemm ilu Berlusconi prim. Ghandi video tieghi jismu Adenoidi - tajjeb hafna u komiku kbir ukoll.

Arcibald a dit…

Il-video tieghU u mhux tieghI ridt nghid... fis-sens tieghi issa ghax qieghed ghandi imma tieghu ghax hu jidher fieh. Whatever :)

gybexi a dit…

Luxinfoslot (for Arcibald Guido Maria Riccardelli):

Rue du Fort Neipperg hemm bosta "clubs" fosthom l-Copacabana Adult Palace, il-Las Vegas (Live Table Dancing) u postijiet ohra li b'isimhom iridu inessuk li qieghed fil-Lussemburgu... hemm pizzeria tajba hafna wkoll.

Kif naf? Ghax min hemm kont nikri l-vidjos gieli (mhux DAWK it-tip ta' videos...) - mill-Video Wolter.

Rue de Strasbourg (triq ohra rinomata ghal dan it-tip ta' kummerc) m'hi xejn imqabbla ma' dik it-triq...

Arcibald a dit…

grazie per l'informazione... ma e propio merdaccia pura quella strada :)

btw cajta tipo Luttazzi:

Caro Daniele, sei pro o contro l'aborto?
Contro. Ma vado a tutte le marce abortiste. E un posto ottimo per rimorchiare ragazze che scopano.

david a dit…

Grazzi tal-grillata jacques

Grillo makes an appearance in Sabina Guzzanti's documentary on censorship (the real thing) under Berlusca. Viva Zapatero was shown at the EP two weeks ago in the presence of Guzzanti but in the absence of culture-vulture gybexi whose splitting headache prevented him from joining in.

Ic-cajta ta' Luttazzi fakkritni f'xena minn ktieb ta' Beigbeder(L'egoiste romantique)fejn jinduna kemm hemm "sosies de Monica Bellucci" fost il-merhla fil-Jours Mondiales de la Jeunesse (tal-papa biex niftiehmu), jipprova jidhlilhom b'xi espressjoni corny u jibaghtuh jixxejjer.

Jacques René Zammit a dit…

mhux ahjar tissieheb fil-grupp milli tparla fuq Bajdbiered?

david a dit…

Gozo farmhouses? ;-)