mercredi, novembre 09, 2005

Non Ci Posso Credere...

I am elated. Over the moon. Flavio called me this morning with some incredible news. My favourite comedic trio will be at a film festival 25 minutes away this evening.

The Villerupt Festival of Italian Cinema happens every year. It is a celebration of Italian cinema that is enjoyed mostly by the Italian diaspora in the North East of France, all of Luxembourg and probably the South of Belgium. Tonight it features "Tu la Conosci Claudia?" a production featuring Aldo, Giovanni and Giacomo. The cool part is that the trio will be there and will chat with the public before or after the performance.

Well... an early birthday surprise for sure... but what a surprise... Non Ci Posso Credere... I miei comici preferiti!

3 commentaires:

gybexi a dit…

mhux biex nirrovinalek festi rajtu Ruma ftit wara li hareg.

tal-qamel. ic-cajt brillanti tagghom ta' fuq il-palk (mehudin minn "tel chi e' el telun") irrovinati f'film bazikament...bilkemm nghidlu "passabbli" - u iva... mur arah xorta ta - hekk jew hekk x'hemm x'taghmel f'laaksemmberk. La tkun hemm mura ara dak il-film ta' Ferzan Ozpetek (tork-taljan) li qed juru hemm, u li hu bil-wisq ahjar minn ta' AGG...

Jacques René Zammit a dit…

grazzi gybexi.
ghax tghid jien ghandi il-film fuq dvd u naqbel ma' l-analizi tighek. il-punt hu li jiena sejjer biuex nara lilhom lajv, imqar ghall-kelmtejn intoroduttivi li suppost ser jaghmlu.

dwar it-tork... interessanti. Ghandu kunjomu kwazi anagramma ta' Zatopek.

david a dit…

jaqaw ser ikollkom baby, Zammit? ;-)