
Vexatious Maltese Vexillology
The George Cross. So what if we remove it? What will take it's place... once again we will dare to suggest...
1. The Maltese Cross
Because it is the Maltese cross. Because a Maltese cross with black borders (or on a black background sitting in the corner of the red and white thing) is Maltese. Because it is identifiable. And because with all due respect to Twanny no one outside Malta knows what a Widnet il Bahar is.
2. The Maltese Islands
Because the iconic shape of the isles are identifiable with the Maltese. Because Cyprus already did it and they are not lucky enough to have Gozo in the deal.
3. The Maltese Temples
Or the sleeping lady. Because they too are Maltese. Because they remind us of the civilisation which we once were. Because they are cool.
4. The Crown from the Emblem of Malta
Replace the George Cross with the Crown of Towers that sits on the Emblem of the Republic (described as a mural crown with a sally port and eight turrets - five of which are visible - and denoting a city state). While we are at it throw in the palm and the olive at the centre of the flag.
5. A combination
On the 25th anniversary of independence a set of coins had been issued which included on the reverse an acknowledged symbol from each era of Maltese history. I would favour this coin to be reproduced at the center of the flag in the same manner as the Portuguese flag carries a complex coat of arms. The signs included the temples, the cippus stone, the sleeping lady, the towers of Wignacourt, and could.... surprise surprise include the George Cross... Unfortunately I cannot find a picture of these coins on the net.... help anyone?
Finally... once we are into change... do we need to stick to red and white? Can we throw in limestone and sea instead? It is soooo much more Maltese. Come to think of it I would steal the Presidential Flag (see picture above) if I could.
U naghmlu li rridu....
PS I feel the need to reiterate that the "j'ose" column need not be taken seriously. It is an attempt at proposing the surreal which like Dali and Di Chirico paintings, no matter how desirable are never achievable in real life.
3 commentaires:
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Prosit tal-bloggata.
Jien użajt il-widnet il-baħar bħala eżempju għax hija l-pjanta nazzjonali. Tara ħafna minnhom fuq l-irdumijiet ta' l-Imnajdra, per eżempju. Stajt semmejt ukoll il-merill, forsi b'xi werqa taż-żebbuġ f'munqaru. Imma għandek raġun, dik il-fjura tkun simbolu li l-barranin kieku ma jagħrfuhux, u mid-dehra lanqas ma hi magħrufa fost il-Maltin stess.
L-ewwel għażla tiegħi kieku tkun il-kuluri biss. Aktar sempliċi. U t-tieni l-figura tal-gżejjer, għax nemmen li fid-definizzjoni ta' l-identità tal-bniedem il-ġeografija tiżvolġi rwol akbar milli r-reliġjon.
Imma nsejt li l-lum il-ġurnata Malta hija essenzjalment pajjiż urban.
Issa jonqos li xi ħadd jissuġġerixxi wiċċ Laskri u nfattruha ;-)
No offence taken. Bollettino coming your way soon...
Jien dejjem ninsisti: zalzetta tal-Malti, hobza tal-Malti u gbejna t'Ghawdex. Anke mill-ismijiet tinduna kemm jikkontribwixxu ghall-identita' nazzjonali.
P.S. Nahseb li l-bandiera ufficjali ta' Cipru kerha. Ghedt "ufficjali" ghax il-bandiera ta' Cipru fil-fatt hija l-bandiera Griega.
L-iktar waħda oriġinali li għadni kif smajt iss'issa:
"Luzzu Malti bil-klandestini deħlin fuqu deħlin għall-EURO"
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