jeudi, janvier 05, 2006

Lussemburgo Citta' Violenta

The Christmas Eve mob brawl outside Parc Hotel (Cote d'Eich) in the early hours of morning was not an isolated incident. Luxembourg may not be so quiet after all:

Grund Attack Victim Still in Hospital
A man who was attacked on the bridge beside Scott's Bar in the Grund on New Year's Eve, is still in hospital in Strasbourg where he was operated on. The incident happened around half past midnight, and the man was punched in the face by an unknown assailant, fracturing his right cheekbone in the process. The the police have called for witnesses to contact them at tel: 4997-4500.

The question remains: With all the money in Luxembourg... why did they have to take a man with a fractured cheekbone to Strasbourg Hospital?

The plot thickens.....

4 commentaires:

gybexi a dit…

xi hlew jahasra dawn il-lussemburgizi.

Daqt jaghmlu verzjoni Lussemburgiza ta' Patrouille (il-verzjoni belgjana ta' Cops - fuq l-RTL:

"more to come after the break.. follow the danger packed day of Luxembourg City cops Jean-Paul Wagner and Emile Werner... as they dish out a hefty fine to a Dutch camper parked on a double yellow line, as they give directions to the Centre Hamilius to a Brazilian immigrant and arrest him (on se' chamais aveuc ces etranchers, jo?) and buy their morning croissants from the Fischer next to the train station...".

The Belgian version is particularly good because most of it is filmed in my neighbourhood (north-east Brussels) so I usually learn quite alot about my neighbours (through Patrouille I learnt that the owner of the night shop closest to my house keeps a machette under the counter - something that will certainly make me think twice about complaining if my samosa is too soggy...)

Jacques René Zammit a dit…


Jacques René Zammit a dit…

and i left out the following news items:

Child Bitten By Dog
A child was bitten in the face by his father's dog on Wednesday, requiring treatment in hopspital. The incident happened in Clervaux, when the boy tried to pet the Doberman on the head. The dog snapped and bit the boy on the cheek. The boy suffered a deep wound to his face and was brought to hospital where he was treated for his injuries.The boy's father and owner of the dog is now wanting to get rid of the dog.

Litter Man
The police arrested a man on Tuesday after reports of garbage bins being knocked over in the Differdange area.
The man had driven along the Avenue de la Liberté, the rue Adolphe Krieps and the Grand Rue, knocking over almost all of the garbage bins along the way.The police arrested the man who tested positively for driving under the influence of alcohol.

Erezija a dit…

i'm out of here