It appears that the gradual slowdown of the Earth's rotation requires that 2005 is a leap year in "second" terms. What this means is that this year contains an extra second which will be added on the 31st December. To be more exact it will be appended onto the very last minute of the year. So the right second beforepressing play on "Auld Lang Syne" should read 23:59:60. (instead of 23:59:59).
For more scientific facts on this interesting second gained (or lost) go to this press release by RAS (the bigheads at the Royal Astronomical Society). Meanwhile the photo above is also related to the space-time continuum. It was taken yesterday as the snow fell on the Schengen monument marking the place where the three frontiers meet (and where the Shengen Agreement was signed). The eskimo in the photo is your's truly wrapped nice and cosy.
Tant biex taghrfu izzommu hin korrett....
3 commentaires:
Prosit, sibt parka tajba...
jew selliftlu tieghek. jew hemm sale fuq il-parkas hodor il-Lussemburgu. jew koincidenza kerha.
Please Jacques, don't offend the eskimos....lols
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