mardi, janvier 17, 2006

Il-Kazz m'Hux Opinjoni

The fluttering paroxysm of ideas that has hit the opinion and letter pages of Malta's papers since the unfortunate death of a young girl at a New Year's Eve Party was to be expected. This man inadvertently started a discussion on the role of humour in serious events and as a modern replacement of the fable with a moral ending - see his daring post here.

Nanny government (socialist or fascist?) will soon confiscate all forms of alcohol while it assesses whether it is at fault for not putting up a warning sign saying "Danger: Jumping from Great Heights While Inebriated Can Be Damaging to Your Health". It will continue to ignore the real needs of regulation in parties where making a quick buck still involves having a good connection in the ministry to get the right place, charging sky high for tickets, slushing people with watered down booze (that still gets them drunk) and denying responsibility for anything that happens before, during or after the performance.

Death's scythe is not selective. It does not only turn up uninvited at New Year's Eve parties. It turns up at Festa Preparations when Ganni plays around with fire one time too many. It swings suddenly into view when Mary takes to the wheel after an extra shift at work for that tad bit more of salary. It cuts the life cord unexpectedly when the electrician's tester goes faulty and he sticks it into the wrong electrical socket by mistake. The moral is that no amount of moralising and legalising and prohibition will prevent the Grim Reaper from playing his nasty jokes. Caution caution caution should be the motto, but all too often it is thrown to the wind.

Meanwhile we will have to suffer (again) all the nasty stories about this new generation who just drink drink drink, get high on drugs, walk around naked and (occasionally) jump off high walls. Little do we notice the irony of it all.... Some people saw it all from much before and wrote a damn good song about it ... if you have not heard it yet just rush to and download the song "Generazzjoni ta' Meqrudin". I am reproducing the lyrics below without their kind permission. But then I'm sure they don't mind....

Generazzjoni ta' Meqrudin
Kemm trid toqghod attent meta tmur Paceville
Zomm it-tazza sew f'idek
Ma jmurx xi kurnut jitfaghlek xi joint fid-drink
U int cuc ma tindunax!

Jistahbew fid-dlamijiet
Vampiri tal-barijiet

Go xi rock concert hemm go rokna mitluqin
Jittaqbu bil-haxixa

F'xi party jkunu qed jissniffjaw l-ekstazi
U jitkghabru ma l-art
Tarhom b'ghajnejhom homor nar
Hara mejta jsuqu d-dar

Ghazzenin, mahmugin
Skoss drugati u imdamdmin
Qatta zghazagh bla valuri
U imhawdin

Ghajjenin, Biss tajbin
Biex jintelqu u jahlu l-hin
"X'qed jghidulna x'wahda din?
Generazzjoni ta' meqrudin!"

Trid tahrab minnhom dawk iz-zibel ta' tfajliet
Ta' nofs sidirhom barra
Ja mghazzda jgieghluk taghmel hafna affarijiet
Illi mhux suppost

Jaghmlu s-sex qabel iz-zwieg
X'arukaza 'a qatta hmieg!

Ghazzenin, mahmugin
Skoss drugati u imdamdmid
Qatta zghazagh bla valuri
U imhawdin

Ghajjenin, Biss tajbin
Biex jintelqu u jahlu l-hin
"X'qed jghidulna x'wahda din?
Generazzjoni ta' meqrudin!"

La la la, la la la, la la la…
Tarhom b'ghajnejhom homor nar
Hara mejta jsuqu d-dar

Ghazzenin, mahmugin
Skoss drugati u imdamdmid
Qatta zaghzagh bla valuri
U imhawdin

Hawn ha nahtaf l-okkazjoni
U nghid 'il-kazz mhux opinjoni'

"X'qed jighdulna x'wahda din?
Generazzjoni ta' meqrudin!"

1 commentaire:

vlad a dit…

I must admit that I was going to call my post on the subject, Drink Till You Drop, but then thought better of it. I went for Bottom of Barrel in the end, which aptly describes the self-righteous crap that has been written ever since. But I don't want to go on. Read here...