mercredi, mars 01, 2006

Dockyard Light Railway

I take my cue from fellow blogger gybexi who has had the incredible misfortune (surely a bollettinata?) to be in Malta during the Yellow Dinosaur strike. The transport system is a pet rant of the Maltese citizen. Fortunately the Maltese citizen is wise enough to choose the best administrators of government who will not cave in to the demands of a hundred thugs who claim that the decrepit coaches are their bread and butter and that their monopoly over all things mobile is their coffee. It is thus that the closest the government gets to acting is by paying money to the thugs not to cause trouble. Occasionally when the whole bakshish, all the bakshish and nothing but the bakshish is not forthcoming there is an "industrial dispute" and the dinosaur breeders do what they can do best. Sit on their arses and do fuck all.

Meanwhile a tiny island like ours misses out on the opportunity to make a long term inivestment in an efficient, connecting mode of transport that could also throw in the words "environment friendly" as an added prank. A tram or light railway as proposed by gybexi would be just the ticket making a skeletal connection between the hub and the peripheries of our vast wastelands. Three or four lines on island one and a circular on island two should suffice. If we want our imagination to run Frank Salt style we could add a perpendicular railway from Mgarr to Mgarr linking the two systems. Loverly innit? They would run on their own tracks - away from the rest of the traffic that would hopefully lessen much more should the system be so efficient.

Think of the field day that sms amateurs could have proposing station names. Think of the fumes that could be avoided. Most of all think of an efficient transport system.

Instant karma. Instant Zen. Instant touristic boost.

In your dreams baby. B'tal-linja jaqbillhom.

See also: Kinnie & Twistees

6 commentaires:

Peklectrick a dit…

ferkin right!

But what's the point of a touristic boost if they can't take photos with the buses?

david a dit…

Did you say 'Dolly' and 'station names'?

the karma police are comin' to get you...


Jacques René Zammit a dit…

Having read the prediction immediately following the one about station names i cannot understand how you expect to be taken seriously.Besides the fact that you side with a team that has to invent something as casual as the victories in succession record to have something to shout about.

baa to you

and now we wait for mark's vituperous comments about the new bloggeficina


gybexi a dit…

diehel fl-ghalqa tieghi hemm jacques. diga ili xi tlett snin li ddisinjajt metro ghal malta (zewg linji). ovvjament ta' malti li jien lanqas hsibt f'ghawdex...

ma nafx hux bis-serjeta kont qed tghid imma jien nahseb li vera hi idea tajba fil-prattika. xi haga jrid isir... it-trams il-qodma ta' Kopenhagen gew moghtija lill-Kajir ghal prezz ta' Ewro (jew Euro kif trid) kull wiehed. Iva. Ewro. Il-vetturi tad-DLR il-qodma x'imkien il-Germanja (insejt fejn.. xi post zghir).

Jekk niddubaw it-trams il-qodma ta' Ruma diga mhux hazin sa barra.. kull ma trid thaffer it-tunnels biex jghaddu t-trams fihom - m'hemmx inkwiet.. il-maltin cempjins fejn tidhol il-gaffa iggifieri lanqas hemm m'hemm problema. Sistema tal-biljetti efficenti? Erm... dik naqra problema jekk jirbah it-tender l-istess wiehed li inspjegabbilment rebah it-tender ghall-makni li hemm fuq il-buses.

lanqas hemm bzonn tram sotteranju... people mover/passante tajjeb ukoll. milan bidlu l-passante m'ilux. incemplulhom naqra?

david a dit…

Dear readers - Please note that j'accuse's reply to my friendly pulling of legs was a splendid example of a lawyer using "diversionary tactics".

from dollyism to associazione sportiva roma and xiferun vella in two easy steps.

takes a thief to catch a thief ;-)

Jacques René Zammit a dit…

dear readers:

who votes that David should revert to driving a Citroen Dolly please stand up.

please note that I said REVERT.