
When the Malta Labour Party comes up with proposals like this one I confirm my suspicion that in the long run they are unable to sustain the implications of a place in power. Before too long they will be "revolutionising" democratic institutions with a donkey headed idea that they are doing the "right thing" and will drive Malta straight into another Banana Republic era.
They want the members of the Local Council Association to be reelected on the basis that the percentage of mayories in Labour's hands is now a majority and this is not reflected in the current LCA composition. The members of the LCA are elected by proportional representation every two years. There is definitely a rule book or law that states this. Labour now have a whiff of majority (which may be false, Mark take note) and are already barking like there is no tomorrow. This imbalance happens in many countries - governments end up sharing with a representative organ that does not reflect the change in public opinion - all because of scaled elections. Nothing abnormal there.
In all probability the Labour representation in the LCA will change when the time is up because I cannot see Labour losing its Council majority in the near future. But some cowboy in Hamrun decided it is time to put on the boots, the stirrups and the double barrel gun and start yelling that the Labour martyr is being crucified again and is being unjustly underrepresented.
Don't know about you guys but to me this kind of politics is as undelectable and unelectable as that of the cowboy arrogance which has been the label of the PN for so long. Then Fausto wonders whether people really put up a sign for "Wanted: New Politicians" in the last election.
Just in case the message did not come through Labour are virtually saying that Parliament should be dissolved - and elections - called every time there is a huge swing in public opinion and that our constitutional principle of Universal Suffrage every five years is not worth the Republican paper it is written on. And this from the same party who governed for five years after 1981 with a minority of popular votes.
Don't you just love them Arcibald?
12 commentaires:
i'm lovin' it - qed nghidlek
Naqbel miegħek mija fil-mija, m'għandniex xi ngħidu. Iħobbu jisparaw f'saqajhom...tipo, issa li rbaħna xi ħaġa, ejja nħallu l-eċitament jagħmel bina.
Min-naħa l-oħra, forsi għaliex anki għamilt xi snin f'mekkanizmu ta' partit, dan kollu spinn hekk kif ir-riħ in poppa, u ma jfisser xejn dwar kemm l-MLP jew chiunque ikun kapaċi jmexxi.
Tkun trid taf tagħzel il-qamħ mis-sikrana, kemm-il darba.
Il-problema, Mark, hija li meta tivvota ma tistax taghzel qamh biss. Specjalment fl-elezzjoni generali, b'semplici '1' tkun qed taghti l-poter lil hafna sikrana wkoll.
Allura ivvota biex ma jkunx hemm hafna poter ghand xi hadd. Ivota AD bil-Malti.
Le. Ħafna eħfef huwa li ma tivvutax. Il-Malti jgħidlek li l-ħobż għadnek tagħtih lil min jaf jieklu, u jekk dawn l-imbeċilli ma jafux, ta' min iħallihom imutu bil-ġuħ kollha kemm huma.
You're not effecting first count votes by not voting. So you'll be completely irrelevant to the outcome of the election.
As if voting for AD would be relevant...
Jien nifhem l-atteġġjament ċiniku ta' dawk li jagħżlu li ma jivvotawx, għalkemm jien konvint li aħjar tagħti l-unu lill-inqas ħażin milli tastieni totalment. Għax inkella, il-vot (u l-opinjoni) taċ-ċuċ li joqgħod quddiemek u li jħobb jirrigurġita kull imbarazz li jkun sema' mill-propagandisti tal-partit tiegħu jkun jiswa aktar minn tiegħek.
Fil-fehma tiegħi, li teżerċita l-jedd tiegħek li tivvota mhux lussu iżda responsabbiltà (anzi dmir) soċjali. Hawn Malta ma nafx -u napprezza jekk tgħarrfuni- imma f'pajjiżi oħra wieħed għandu l-għażla li jixħet 'vot abjad' (Sp. voto en blanco) biex juri li m'hu sodisfatt mal-politika ta' l-ebda partit, jonkella mas-sistema nfisha. Din l-opzjoni naħseb li tiswa wisq aktar minn astenzjoni għax twassal il-messaġġ b'mod aktar ċar u determinat, waqt li astenzjoni tista' tiġi spjegata/'ġustifikata' b'diversi modi.
Kumbinazzjoni l-bieraħtlula skoprejt l-aħħar silta tal-kantawtur (u ġenju) Samuele Bersani. Jisimha Lo scrutatore non votante, tistgħu tisimgħu biċċa minnha hawnhekk.
Lo scrutatore non votante è come un sasso che non rotola,
tiene le mani nelle tasche e i pugni stretti quando nevica,
prepara un viaggio ma non parte, pulisce casa ma non ospita,
conosce i nomi delle piante che taglia con la sega elettrica
Ovvjament mhix kumbinazzjoni li din is-silta qiegħda toħroġ ftit qabel l-elezzjonijiet Taljani... meta artista jimpenja ruħu b'dan il-mod (fis-sens li il s'engage) nirdoppja kważi awtomatikament ir-rispett li jkolli lejh.
Is-silta għadni kemm niżżiltha, min jixtieq kopja ibgħatli e-mail. Jew forsi ntellagħha fuq il-blogg biex tkunu tistgħu tniżżluha minn hemm.
Then Fausto wonders whether people really put up a sign for "Wanted: New Politicians" in the last election.
I wonder: what kind of result would have convinced you otherwise? A falsifiable hypothesis please!
Fausto: It's legal philosophy: where the legal abounds and the philosophy staggers :) Hence the prospect of advancing a statement that is falsifiable is unconceiveable.
Deny deny deny.
A hypothesis that is falsifiable, m'dear. Not a statement.
Maybe it wouldn't be relevant. But at least it's less irrelevant. Trust me, the PN is afraid of AD voters more than non-voters. They're the smallest party but the bigger babaw.
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