lundi, mars 13, 2006

The Laboured Fortress

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Today's papers in Malta are all about Labour's newfound dominance. By the standards of the various statistical gurus who join Lorna Vassallo's orgy of numerical assessments Labour is the winner. Alfred's minions have captured various "strongholds" and toppled over a number "fortresses" which apparently had been flying the blue flag until now. As Arcibald/Antonio had pointed out at Ajjut , the slogan "Ic-Cittadin L-Ewwel" has long vanished from the manifestos of both parties and any occasion to slog out the bipartisan battle is good.

The 'local' nature of the council elections has all but vanished as first PN then MLP carried the banner of local council votes up high among the honourable company of "relevant national statistics". Every locality has its day of glory every election day then is left to the internecine rivalry within the four walls of the meetings between the various minions of the two big armies who are left to fend for themselves until the next big round. If they have been good enough Uncle Fred will come round and shoot percentages of achievement that only he can fathom to the general public. And once the hullaballoo is over it is back to bickering over parking places, street lights and urban unplanning of the saddest kind.

But what if there were really a message on a national level? What if the local council results could really tell us something? Well in that case I think Alfred Sant is right. "People want change in leadership". Too true. Couldn't be truer my old perruqued man. Only I think that you have read half the message. That people want a change of leadership (and of most of their minions) has long been an undisputable fact. What Freddie fails to note is that in the localities where a serious alteranative to the juggernauts was posed the people chose that alternative. Do you not read anything in that Fred?

Give the people a Mike Briguglio waving a sunny smile over Qui Si Sana or a Dr Josie raging about the big two's inability to care about Marsascala and they will quickly show you what kind of change they mean Fred. You can send all the Omar Caruana's that you want to the statistical battlefield... but they will not send any new message back. They will just show you that the country is still full of sheep (Arcibald's kind not Dolly's) and we have a long long way to go.

We do not really have a right to talk. Us emigrées de l'outre mér. To us now the local questions are the coommune de Luxembourg or Bereldange and no longer St Julian's and Marsalforn. IF the j'accuse's, xifer's and lanzarote's (to name but a controversial few) want to put their money where their mouth is they should have formed Il-Partit Progressiv Wankellettwali ages ago and be among those providing the valid alternatives. Otherwise we should just sit back and watch Freddie have a field day over this most Phyrric and tragic of victories ever to be proclaimed since the dead voted against European membership.

La Cucaracha

La cucaracha, la cucaracha,
Ya no puede caminar;
Porque no tiene,
porque le falta
Marijuana que fumar.

Ya murio la cucaracha,
Ya la llevan a enterrar,
Entre cuatro zopilotes
Y un raton de sacristan.

Con las barbas de Carranza,
Voy a hacer una toquilla,
Pa' ponersela al sombrero
De su padre Pancho Villa.

Un panadero fue a misa,
No encontrando que rezar,
Le pidio a la Virgen pura,
Marijuana pa' fumar.

Una cosa me da risa:
Pancho Villa sin camisa;
Ya se van los carrancistas
Porque vienen los villistas.

Para sarapes, Saltillo;
Chihuahua para soldados;
Para mujeres, Jalisco;
Para amar, toditos lados.

13 commentaires:

Mark Vella a dit…

Weren't you so happy yesterday that you couldn't give a toss? Or does Labour winning something makes you itch up the ass?

Anyway, congrats to Mike and also to the first Gozitan AD councillor ever.

Jacques René Zammit a dit…

I was. In fact i was so happy YESTERDAY that I could not give a toss. Today on the other hand, reading the papers on a Monday morning I decided to comment. You see... the whims and fancies of a mad mind.

Labour winning something (when they do) does not make me itch. I am more concerned about the way you itch when labour are criticised whiule you wave the AD flag. But anyway... my point was that Labour is only partially right when reading this result. People do want change, but they do not really, really want labour (no matter how many itches that may cause up a half-AD supporter's ass!).

I agree. Re: Mike and the Gozitan AD councillor. As well as Josie. Pity about David Darmanin in B'kara.

And oh. You do not have to decide whether you are more pro-labour or pro-ad... don't worry this is not psychological pressure of any time. I am just pointing out how difficult it is for your interlocutors to keep up.

hasta la labour demokratika siempre!

Mark Vella a dit…

Having said that, I get your point: give the citizens a real, good, sincere alternativa and they will not consider Fred.

Re. what I ma, probably a vague lefty at heart,and essentially an anti-Nationalist...hehe

david a dit…

Ever heard of Monday morning blues, Mark Vella?

Incidentally, I think it's a tad unfair to claim that it was specifically the Labour 'landslide' victory that caused j'accuse's bum scratching. And j'accuse doesn't give me the impression that he's itching too much either.

Partit Wankellettwali Maltin - Feel the Change!

david a dit…

damn it - you both got there before i could finish composing my two ewro sents worth. By the time i pressed 'se connecter et publier' your discussion was already in full swing.

incidentally two pieces of unconnected news

a) tickets for Arsenal - Juve on the way. C'mon you Gooners!
b) i picked up a discarded Guardian on the Tube yesterday and guess what? There seems to be a dispute over WHO INVENTED THE CLONING PROCESS which gave birth (or well, gave 'clone') to DOLLY. Dead serious! Amazing!!!

Peklectrick a dit…

Lil Alex mhux ha tghidlu proset Mark?

Jacques René Zammit a dit…

Alex Sciberras? it-tifel ta' Philip?

Peklectrick a dit…

ma nafx it-tifel ta min hu. Imma Sciberras kunjomu. ex-AD ;)

Mark Vella a dit…

Hekk hu, prosit lil Alex ukoll għax ħabib tiegħi. Fil-fatt, it-tifel ta' Philp Sciberras u ex-ADZ.

Arcibald a dit…

Le - lil Jacques donni hajjartu bil-bloggata tieghi, li hsibt li ma kien qraha hadd ghax ma rcevejt l-ebda kumment :)

Dwar il-kunsilli... anzi intom ma rajtux liz-zewg kapijiet jaghtu l-press conferences fuq it-tv wara nofsinhar il-bierah, bil-kunsilliera warajhom (biex jobdu l-cliche). Dak zgur entertainment kien... bil-gurnalisti jistaqsu mistoqsijiet li bihom tinduna mal-ewwel minn liema stazzjon gejjin.

Jacques René Zammit a dit…

Jahasra Bald. Il-fatt li ma hallejniex kummenti ma jfissirx li ma naqrawx: Tieghek l-ewwel li naqra meta jigi updated... kemm ghax alfabetikament jigi l-ewwel u kemm (kif ghidt fl-anniversary special) ghax joghgobni wisq l-istil cinku tieghek.

Issa wara dik il-pawza jista xi hadd jghidli ghaliex ma hemmx kummenti fuq kinnie u twistees?

Peklectrick a dit…

ghax missieri ma jpejjipx.

Arcibald a dit…

Grazzi Jacques tal-kummenti sbieh :) Ma tantx qed inhalli kummenti ghall-istess raguni... hemm wisq bloggijiet x'naqra u meta nsib nofs siegha cans nippreferi naqra kemm nista minnhom, milli naqra ftit u nirrispondihom kollha. Pero nammetti li r-rokna 'Sibtijiet flimkien' kont nistenniha iktar mill-Kinnie & Twistees il-gdid... forsi ghax miniex nieqes mill-Kinnie u Twistees id-dar (anzi - dejjem issibhom fil-bieba u ma naghtix kazhom).