
In their effort to incite their supporters and create a general mood of anger and discomfort, the proto-fascists of this island constantly remind us of all these foreigners taking our places at work. The fascists will tell us how illegal immigrants and foreigners will be illegally employed by greedy persons and usurp the rightful place of the worker patriots. They paint the picture of a legion of dark skinned labourers plastering, painting and building away at the expense of the poor Maltese haddiem.
The Employment and Training Corporation has just released some figures for the last four months. The Times has published a summary in this article entitled "Illegal and Foreign Workers". The title is slightly misleading since it might imply that you are either illegal or foreign and that one or other category is exclusive of the other. The fact is that you are an illegal worker on the basis of whether you have a permit or not and not on the basis of nationality.
Anyhow, the facts were as follows:
892 persons were caught working without informing the ETC. Of these 892, 63 were foreign. Not exactly the army of foreigners you would be imagining whenever Normal Lowell or Warden Beatty open their mouth. It would seem that this impeccable race of Melitaion is much more prone to an easy untaxed back than are the workers come from afar. 829 Maltese illegal workers as against 63. The writing is on the wall... the discontent being nurtured by the fascist myth-spinners is based on spurious suppositions, twisted prophecies and above all unfounded allegations.
I'm off to polish my lamppost.
2 commentaires:
If you go on a fishing trip and only manage to catch 4 lampuki, you cannot by any means say that during that period those were the only 4 lampuki to be found in the whole vastness of the Maltese territorial waters.
Meta l-GWU kienet qed tbeżża' 'l-ħaddiema Maltin bil-babaw ta' l-influss ta' ħaddiema Sqallin li kellhom jinvadu Malta hekk kif nidħlu fl-EU, ħadd ma kien qed jgħajjat bir-rażżizmu, imma preċiżament l-istess ħaġa kienet. Jew mhux eżatt l-istess, għax talanqas issa hemm imqar nofs verita' fl-għajta li qed jieħdu xi xogħlijiet.
Jekk kienx hemm bżonnhom jew le sinċerament ma nafx, imma sa sentejn ilu Maltin biex jiġbru ż-żibel, per eżempju, kien hawn biżżejjed u sakemm ma rtirawx kollha f'daqqa, onestament ma nafx fejn sparixxew biex inħoloq dal-bżonn għall-ħaddiema immigranti.
Fuq l-abbuż, ikolli ngħid li l-gvern għandu nteress ineħħi l-abbuż ta' dawk li jirreġistraw taparsi mhux impjegati daqs kemm suppost għandu nteress biex ineħħi l-esplojatazzjoni t'immigranti mħaddma minn ċertu kuntrattur li, kif mid-dehra taf nofs Malta, fl-aħħar tal-ġimgħa kif jaslu għall-paga, jingħad li jċempel lill-pulizija ħa jagħmlu rejd u jqalftuhom 'l hemm peress li hu m'għandhomx permess...
U x'ingħidu għal dawk l-Indjani li hemm jaħdmu fuq il-Mater Dei, li sa ftit xhur ilu kienu qed jgħidu 'l-ġurnali x'paga miżera għandhom?
M'ilux, xi ħadd 'simpatizzant' qalli li Alla bagħthom dawn l-immigranti għax li kieku kellna "nimpurtaw il-ħaddiema aħna", kienet tiġi tiswina tliet darbiet iżjed.
Ejja ninsew il-benefiċċji soċjali li qed jingħatawlhom bħala refuġjati/humanitarian status u nassumu li verament m'aħna nieħdu xejn minnhom ħlief gwadann għax qed neħilsu b'irħas la qed inħallsuhom iktar baxx min-normal... dik mhux esplojtazzjoni tiġi allura, ngħid jien?
Ma nafx mindu 'l hawn xi ħadd jemmen bl-għama fid-Drittijiet tal-Bniedem sar jikkuntenta u jagħlaq żewġ għajnejn għall-iskjavitu' basta ma jkunx hemm "razziżmu".
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