Min jidħol bejn il-basla u qoxritha jibqa' b'riħitha. U issa jiena qed ninten... imma ma nistħix.
Tajjeb Jacques. You can advocate calling a spade a spade, but quite frankly, by comparing Xifer's reaction to that of so-called martyrs who hate life so much they are prepared to kill themselves in order to kill others, you were calling a spade a club (otherwise known as a cudgel, one of those they use to hit people with). If the Trattat Egoċentriku was violent, your response was much the worse. That is what I found disturbing - it was certainly no joke. The cordial Meta Jaqa' ċ-Ċpar battibekk had nothing to do with my interpretation, and no resent was harboured on my part because I wasn't at all offended. Kif jgħid il-Malti, min jieħu għalih imur jieħdu l-bank.
Jacques, jien nammirak wisq biex noqgħod ngħajrek. Iżda hemm ħin għas-skiet (isbaħ mill-kliem ġawhar) u hemm ħin għall-kliem (isbaħ mis-skiet jgħajjat). Kien minħabba l-ammirazzjoni tiegħi lejn l-ewwel ġenerazzjoni ta' bloggejja -jekk nistgħu nsejħulha hekk- li qtajtha li nibda l-blogg tiegħi. As the lovers of hip-hop would say, enough of the dissin' (whassup yaa!), let's keep it cooool...
1 commentaire:
(Tweġiba qasira għall-kumment li ħallejt fuq il-blogg ta' MaltaGirl)
Min jidħol bejn il-basla u qoxritha jibqa' b'riħitha. U issa jiena qed ninten... imma ma nistħix.
Tajjeb Jacques. You can advocate calling a spade a spade, but quite frankly, by comparing Xifer's reaction to that of so-called martyrs who hate life so much they are prepared to kill themselves in order to kill others, you were calling a spade a club (otherwise known as a cudgel, one of those they use to hit people with). If the Trattat Egoċentriku was violent, your response was much the worse. That is what I found disturbing - it was certainly no joke. The cordial Meta Jaqa' ċ-Ċpar battibekk had nothing to do with my interpretation, and no resent was harboured on my part because I wasn't at all offended. Kif jgħid il-Malti, min jieħu għalih imur jieħdu l-bank.
Jacques, jien nammirak wisq biex noqgħod ngħajrek. Iżda hemm ħin għas-skiet (isbaħ mill-kliem ġawhar) u hemm ħin għall-kliem (isbaħ mis-skiet jgħajjat). Kien minħabba l-ammirazzjoni tiegħi lejn l-ewwel ġenerazzjoni ta' bloggejja -jekk nistgħu nsejħulha hekk- li qtajtha li nibda l-blogg tiegħi. As the lovers of hip-hop would say, enough of the dissin' (whassup yaa!), let's keep it cooool...
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