inkkkkkredibbbbli, mhux tant ic-cajta imma li din ircevejta llum f'forma ta' dawk l-emails li jibghatu certu kollegi lill-ohrajn biex tinsa ftit id-dwejjaq tax-xoghol.
din l-email waslet minn grupp ta' nies f'post tax-xoghol ghal post tax-xoghol iehor f'hin rekord ta' ftit minuti li turi li b'xi mod hemm "katina ta' konnoxxenzi" li taqghad lili u lill-Gwakk (probabbilment l-ghaxar holqa tal-katina jew hekk), fl-istess mod kif hemm il-bloggs jiffurmaw katina differenti.
Yes, I had the slashdot effect once. I was happily minding my own business, attracting anything from three to seven readers a day, then on the same day I was linked to by Lanzarote and Sharon Spiteri, at the same time! Next thing I know, the blog is having to withstand literally three tens of visitors. It was wild, but mercifully things have quietened down a bit since then.
5 commentaires:
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inkkkkkredibbbbli, mhux tant ic-cajta imma li din ircevejta llum f'forma ta' dawk l-emails li jibghatu certu kollegi lill-ohrajn biex tinsa ftit id-dwejjaq tax-xoghol.
din l-email waslet minn grupp ta' nies f'post tax-xoghol ghal post tax-xoghol iehor f'hin rekord ta' ftit minuti li turi li b'xi mod hemm "katina ta' konnoxxenzi" li taqghad lili u lill-Gwakk (probabbilment l-ghaxar holqa tal-katina jew hekk), fl-istess mod kif hemm il-bloggs jiffurmaw katina differenti.
misteru d-dinja (well, not really...)
Looks like the Slashdot effect to me.
Yes, I had the slashdot effect once. I was happily minding my own business, attracting anything from three to seven readers a day, then on the same day I was linked to by Lanzarote and Sharon Spiteri, at the same time! Next thing I know, the blog is having to withstand literally three tens of visitors. It was wild, but mercifully things have quietened down a bit since then.
"The requested site has been temporarily closed by the customer"
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