"U tgħid lil ħadd li għandna vidjow, Mitsubishi daqs Alla, jieħu biss il-Beta u kull ma kellna Jaws irrekordjat minn fuq it-TV Ingliż bir-riklami b’kollox."You just don't geddit, do you?
whatever...... it is you're smoking (and drinking) could almost be worth the try!
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2 commentaires:
"U tgħid lil ħadd li għandna vidjow, Mitsubishi daqs Alla, jieħu biss il-Beta u kull ma kellna Jaws irrekordjat minn fuq it-TV Ingliż bir-riklami b’kollox."
You just don't geddit, do you?
... it is you're smoking (and drinking) could almost be worth the try!
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