mercredi, février 01, 2006

Non Sequitur #44

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Denser than We
The Malta Indy cites a "report" by Wikipedia (how official can a Wikipedia report be?) that places Malta at the fourth place in a classification of most densely populated countries in the world. The classification went as follows:

1. Monaco
2. Singapore, Hong Kong, Gibraltar & Gaza Strip
3. Vatican City
4. Malta & Bermuda

There, so in real terms there are six states before Malta and three of them are European.

Souther than Thou
More interestingly the same report examined the geographical realities of Europe and found that we are the fourth southernmost country in Europe. The terroni prize goes to Greece (Gavdos Island). The ranking is here:

1. Practically African - Greece (Gavdos Island)
2. A hint of Arab in the Air - Cyprus
3. Moor Arab than Not - Spain (Punta de Tarifa)
4. Just Gahan - Malta

and finally...
An independent report commissioned by J'accuse (Non Sequitur) has concluded that the highest concentration of dense individuals is to be found at the White House followed by the Pentagon and the Senate (all US).

Oh. All right. The last one is not true. Or rather... not scientifically proven.

Photo: A historic photo of some Labour Mass meeting.

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