jeudi, octobre 20, 2005

Follow the Post

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A news follow up on items that have previously been the subject of posts:

The government's main dilemma for this year's budget which will be announced on the 31st October is whether it can make up for the Lm50 million increase in the cost of oil. No mention of the Alternattiva 6 point plan (in good or in bad) was made by Prime Minister Gonzi when commenting on his Cabinet's discussions about social partners responses.

Franco Frattini has taken up the Maltese proposal and set up an EU crisis fund for dealing with problems related to illegal immigration. €20 million will be available as of next summer. Meanwhile more positive activity by Michael Frendo was reported:

Foreign Minister Michael Frendo said that Ireland, like the Netherlands, was considering taking a number of refugees or migrants granted humanitarian protection by Malta. Technical assistance was also being offered by Germany, Italy and the UK while the Czech Republic had said it was willing to assist Malta but wanted to coordinate with other countries. Dr Frendo said that he brought up the issue of illegal migration during an informal meeting with his Nigerian counterpart last Sunday on the fringes of a Commonwealth meeting. The Nigerian minister was very receptive to Malta's request for a repatriation agreement with Nigeria and other Commonwealth countries. In fact, proposed repatriation agreements were being sent to other Commonwealth countries that may have nationals residing illegally in Malta.

On talks with Libya, Dr Frendo said Malta was awaiting a reply on when a technical committee formed between the two countries could meet. Labour MP George Vella asked why Malta did not have a repatriation agreement with Libya, such as the one Italy had. Dr Frendo said that there was no written repatriation agreement between Italy and Libya, but there was a verbal arrangement on repatriation. Malta would continue seeking a repatriation agreement with Libya. Malta was also trying to strengthen its diplomatic links with countries from which the immigrants hailed.

FZD spoke about the problems with dealing with low cost airlines. "It is a challenge of handling a revolution in an evolutionary manner," he said at a conference entitled New Developments In Transnational Companies In Travel, Transport And Tourism: Restructuring And Competitiveness. One lesson we and other tourism destinations have learnt is that one should avoid over dependence on one type of business." So. We'll be waiting for a guide on how to 'handle a revolution in an evolutionary manner' unless, as I suspect, it's just another load of bull.

Pieces of Blog

Mark (currently suffering from a severe case of writer's blog) points out that this letter on the Independent today is incredibly similar to this post by Fausto. An alter ego uncovered or a case of great minds think alike?
This blogger has become a sad case of "404 not found". His last post was "That Jacques is not funny anymore". I miss listening to the accompanying French tune. Hope he is back for more trading of witty and childish insults.
Still no sign of news of the birth of Postform on WT. Strange for a blog that reports all sorts of of links to Maltese blogging. Or maybe Bob is on a break. Ok. I admit it. I only added this to plug postform a bit more.
Some bloggers still fail to reciprocate a link to their blog. Basic netiquette innit? I can almost understand the maltamedia triad's obsession with themselves (and the aboutmalta list) or the policy of some bloggers not to link to anything other than lists of links - but I'd rather have a link in some insulting category (as Bananazzurri had done putting me under the title of Poena Anal Celsus) than have nothing at all. Fhimt Friggieri? Yes add the link and I expect some attempt at witty retort accompanying the addition. :)

Preview (a real scoop)
The folks at the Times of Malta have once again thrown their eyes on the Maltese blogosphere. Look out for next weekend's Weekender featuring yours truly and another two bloggers. Brush up guys, polish your sites and clean those mistakes... the media is coming to town.

15 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Xi trid tghid biha li Mistoqsija tfajtha taht De Blog Ferenda? Ammettiha li dak il-blogg huwa izjed interessanti min tieghek.

Jacques René Zammit a dit…

bejnietna ta'. imma il-blogg ta' mistoqsija mhux stil li inhobb. Il-bloggs imnizzla taht it-titolu de blog ferenda huma kollha bloggs li ma inix cert jghogbunix. Diga hafna li nizzilthom fil-lista (illi ma nafx indunajtx imma hiuja soggettivissima)... però dejjem hemm il-kitba Probatio li tindika carament li qieghdin hemm bi prova.

dwar l-ammissjoni: l-iktar l-iktar nasal li nammetti li l-blogg tieghi mhuwiex daqshekk interessanti ghalik daqs kemm hu ta' mistoqsija.

izda ghal grazzja t'alla mhux il-gosti tieghek u tieghi biss hawn fuq l-internet!

sahhiet... u grazzi talli zort J'Accuse!

MaltaGirl a dit…

*dusts the sidebar*

*buffs up the banner*

*scrubs the doorstep*

Oh, wait, my blog doesn't have a doorstep...

Fausto Majistral a dit…

No mention of the Alternattiva 6 point plan (in good or in bad) was made by Prime Minister Gonzi when commenting on his Cabinet's discussions about social partners responses.

Gonzi must have been reading Thermidor.

And since when is the Green Party a "social partner"? Has it become an employers association? Or a trade union?

Fausto Majistral a dit…

Mark (currently suffering from a severe case of writer's blog) points out that this letter on the Independent today is incredibly similar to this post by Fausto. An alter ego uncovered or a case of great minds think alike?

Wow! Someone else reading Thermidor!

Jacques René Zammit a dit…

Of course. AD is just a wandering circus who happened to be on the island (infront of MCESD building) and decided to present a six-point plan on the spot. What kind of reasoning is this? Are MLP and AD not social partners because they are not in government? That's taking adversarial politics to the comedic limit isn't it?

What real government would just ignore a serious plan attempting to assist it in finding a solution to a problem for all the country? I expect the government to either say why AD's ideas are wrong or to say why it will adopt them. Ignoring them does not sound responsible to me.

Glad you are not the Hermann guy... would have been quite a disappointment to have to switch from calling you Faustino to calling you Hermann with a double N to boot!

Kenneth a dit…

What's with all those ads on the side?

Lil Nidal Binni jbiegħ jonqsok iġġib erbat'ijiem oħra għal naqra :P

Robert Micallef a dit…

Re Postform: Con calma e perfavore :)

PeachBellini a dit…

Oops looks like I get a slap on the wrist as well for not linking. Links will be fixed in a minute!

Jacques René Zammit a dit…

con calma e perfavore... mhux ahjar tissieheb fil-postform bert? ibaghtli l-email li tuza ghal blogger u nzidek mal-lista.

int taf x'infisser

Kenneth a dit…

And here we are witnessing Jacques' attempt at SEO.

Fausto Majistral a dit…

Are MLP and AD not social partners because they are not in government?

They are not "social partners" because they are neither an employers association nor a trade union.

And what let you conclude that the Greens' is a "serious plan"? Just because they throw in a few figures? Not that this "devil's advocate for the government" is, in any way, doubting you assertion that there is absolutely, resolutely, inconfutably no way that the Green cause is you cause. Just curious.

Jacques René Zammit a dit…

Hallina Hermann...
I am more comfortble having my own cause than trying to fit in that of others. I love the way you criticise a plan ... by saying that we swallow it because it has figures... does that make your rejection of it more appetising? Le ta.. ma toghgobnix... fiha wisq numri...

hermannnnnnnnnn :)

Fausto Majistral a dit…

You said it's serious and, therefore, the onus of proof is upon you. Go ahead.

Jacques René Zammit a dit…

Ah. The Onus probandi.

I said it is serious. I am still baffled by the fact that this non-devil's advocate is really suggesting that I have to justify or substantiate the fact that AD's proposals should have been considered by government.

I repeat, government neither showed it disliked them nor that it liked them. Whatever the figures being proposed are (and yet they do not seem to be so complicated) the point remains, dear Hermann, that you are still busy arguing against their being considered instead of evaluating their content.

In other words if a Minister farts it is the naked truth because he was elected into government under our great system and the if an individual or a group of individuals calling themselves a party fart then all we can do is rebuke them until they can justify their existence.

I will not fall into that trap. It is a PN style argument. I will not insult your intelligence by trying to explain the possible effects of the six-point plan and why it is different from the proposals we have heard from government till now. This is meant to be the government of consultation and djalogu (dialogue). So we will wait and see whether it is prepared to put its policies and electoral manifestos into practice. Djalogu? Konsultazzjoni? They said it....

... and you know the works about the Onus Probandi.