jeudi, octobre 06, 2005

Then the Shop Steward

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The man on the left in the photo above is Salvu Sammut and he has been reelected as President of the General Workers Union. The man on the right who seems to have been captured in a moment of despair is Tony Zarb, the man who has just been confirmed at the helm of the GWU. The photo was taken while the votes were being counted � this explains the desperation of Tony Z's body language. TZ may have won the election with 80% of the votes but his tense stance betrays barrow loads of worry. But then again he might only be worried because of what his friend Salvu Sammut (who we shall refer to as SS for convenience sake) said.

Yep. SS was the real star of the evening, delivering an earth shattering speech to the crowd of workers before him. By the end of his speech, Harry of the Greens had walked out in indignation. If you want to know why read on.

One thing before we go on. Do you remember the times when a trade-unionist was perforce a communist in belief? Do you remember the days when you could safely assume that a trade-union was the best place to meet individuals who believe in the universality of the brotherhood of man? I don't. But that is because I am Maltese and Maltese Unions are busy plying the oldest trade in the world and prostituting their causes to their political cousins. However, with all their faults and failures, I do not believe we have ever witnessed such rightist speech from the place where the socialist heart should beat strongest.

Once again we will go by snippets. It may be funny as in laugher being the best medicine for a sick state, but it should not be in any way taken that I am minimising the gravity of such a speech.

1. The Immigrant as the Robber of Jobs
"taking jobs from Maltese workers". The eternal complaint. We will not join the EU because the Sicilians will take our work. We will not consider refugees because they will take our jobs. Two reflections come to mind. What happened to complaining about, and uncovering, the cheap labour employers and the black market? Secondly how bad can the Maltese worker be that he is put in jeopardy by any itinerant worker approaching the isles?

2. The Final Solution
SS said that Malta "may be forced to take measures which are not necessarily 'just and humane' to solve the illegal immigration crisis". Right. So here is what the Criminal Code has to say about this:

Incitement to Racial Hatred
82A. (1) Whosoever uses any threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or displays any written or printed material which is threatening, abusive or insulting, or otherwise conducts himself in such a manner, with intent thereby to stir up racial hatred or whereby racial hatred is likely, having regard to all the circumstances, to be stirred up shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term from six to eighteen months.
(2) For the purposes of the foregoing subarticle "racial hatred" means hatred against a group of persons in Malta defined by reference to colour, race, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins

3. The Prostitute Problem
"First we had Maltese Prostitutes, then we had Russian prostitutes and now we have immigrant prostitutes who earn double the minimum wage of a Maltese worker". First we didn't complain. Then we didn't complain. Now we complain. An immigrant prostitute is not to his liking I guess.

4. Undetected Diseases
"We cannot forget the dangers of undetected diseases which may spread among the population". Apart from issue of Article 82A of the Code, could someone tell me how he knows there are diseases if they are undetected? Tut tut.

5. Gozitan Yes, Immigrant no.
"It is understandable when an elderly person, a Gozitan or a person with a disability is given precedence over a Maltese person in a government department. But that an illegal immigrant is given precedence is not acceptable. This is fuelling fear and racist sentiment among people.The illegal immigration problem is becoming more acute and alarming and will suffocate us very soon." As a Gozitan I am dumbfounded. What is fuelling fear and racist sentiment exactly? You Mr. SS. You, and others like you. Oh� and thank you for letting Gozitans like me take precedence. We are ever so honoured.

6. The Non Sequitur
Mr Sammut said the circumstances which Malta found itself in were not allowing its people to live up to their reputation as a generous nation. "The first illegal immigrant who landed in Malta was St Paul. At least he gave us a Christian culture and left after three months. But what good are modern illegal immigrants doing us? They need food, clothing, education and social services and they want to give birth to their races among us," Mr Sammut said.

This is the peak of it all. At least St. Paul left after three months. (Yep� his Palm Pilot must have got to his head finally� constant alarm reminder� Beheading Rome!). "They want to give birth to their races among us." Mind your language SS. You are running out of credits. The ANR style of argument "we are not racist, we are just protecting our identity" begins to run really really shallow when you have people like this saying "their races" as though you are spitting poison.

700 GWU delegates voted this SS geezer back into the helm of their Union. The conference was attended by Tonio "Conservative" Borg (as Deputy PM) and Alfred "human right priorities" Sant among others. Of the 700 delegates and invitees only one man walked out in furious indignation. Harry of the Greens. Then people ask me why I 'waste' my vote on AD!

I suggest a boycott of GWU by all and sundry until SS resigns or is removed from office by the Union itself. There is no other way out. I will shortly be drafting a sample email to address to the GWU and intend to start a campaign to this effect. We cannot stand by and watch. The GWU is an institution in our country. I have not always agreed with its methods but I cannot stand by and watch the erosion of yet another area of politics in Malta.

5 commentaires:

Erezija a dit…

i'm with you there. i'm drafting an email to the GWU myself, not that it will do much good because we're not members, but anyway, it's always something

gybexi a dit…

Jien kont membru tal-G.W.U. (nahseb ghadni mnizzel) u shop steward ukoll fejn kont nahdem.. jahasra kemm kont bahnan meta kont zghir - mhux ghax biss ma kienx jimpurtani dwar politka imma domt kwazi sena biex ninduna li kien qed isir xi "tbaghbis" ghax meta wasalna ghall-firma hadna zieda ta' Lm0.20 fil-gimgha u l-istess kundizzjonijiet li kellna...

evivva il-junjinn!

noel tanti a dit…

*bla kliem*

Anonyme a dit…

Jien bghatt ittra lil GWU ukoll. Ta min idawwar e mail biex iheggeg lin nies li jahsbuha bhalna biex jaghmlu l istess.

BTW. jacques jien kont student tieghek...

Arcibald a dit…

Kieku kont membru tal-GWU kont nibghat l-ittra tar-rizenja issa stess.