
Editorial Note: From today onwards comments on J'Accuse will only be possible for persons who are registered users of www.blogger.com. I apologise for any inconvenience caused to all good willing commentators but like anti-terrorist measures there will always be negative side effects.
The anonymous idiot who seems to be an avid fan of a particular blog called "mistoqsija" has struck once again. She has now taken to including the link to the aforementioned blog in comment boxes. Now there does not seem to be any decent manner with which to explain to the imbecile that the Blogroll to the left of your screen is a personal affair that is dictated solely by personal preferences and criteria.
I include blogs that I read regularly and which tickle my fancy. I do not include blogs that I do not like and even more particularly I will not have anyone dictate which blog to include or not to include. I had promised myself (and Pierre Mejlak) that with the third intervention by the anonymous fan of mistoqsija I would blog about the whole matter. I know that by doing so I will do what the anonymous bungler wanted at least for a day or two - advertise the site she loves so much. That is the problem with flares in blogs - they give undue importance to nuisances.
There are many blogs out there that are not on my list. So what? The list does not purport to be exhaustive or an authority - it is not an aboutmalta kind of list. I am charmed by anonymous' insistence that her favourites should be included... but that would destroy the whole point of its being my list wouldn't it? I have a suggestion for the paperbag writer - start her own blog (unless she already has one) and add the links she likes. And if she is really, really bitter about all this ... I suggest she leaves out any link to J'Accuse. Dear dear.
To conclude, here is a recent contribution by anonymous asking me why my cousin's blog features on my list while mistoqsija does not. Go figure.
The anonymous idiot who seems to be an avid fan of a particular blog called "mistoqsija" has struck once again. She has now taken to including the link to the aforementioned blog in comment boxes. Now there does not seem to be any decent manner with which to explain to the imbecile that the Blogroll to the left of your screen is a personal affair that is dictated solely by personal preferences and criteria.
I include blogs that I read regularly and which tickle my fancy. I do not include blogs that I do not like and even more particularly I will not have anyone dictate which blog to include or not to include. I had promised myself (and Pierre Mejlak) that with the third intervention by the anonymous fan of mistoqsija I would blog about the whole matter. I know that by doing so I will do what the anonymous bungler wanted at least for a day or two - advertise the site she loves so much. That is the problem with flares in blogs - they give undue importance to nuisances.
There are many blogs out there that are not on my list. So what? The list does not purport to be exhaustive or an authority - it is not an aboutmalta kind of list. I am charmed by anonymous' insistence that her favourites should be included... but that would destroy the whole point of its being my list wouldn't it? I have a suggestion for the paperbag writer - start her own blog (unless she already has one) and add the links she likes. And if she is really, really bitter about all this ... I suggest she leaves out any link to J'Accuse. Dear dear.
To conclude, here is a recent contribution by anonymous asking me why my cousin's blog features on my list while mistoqsija does not. Go figure.
I answered in bastard rhyming verse. (Bastard because it has a faulty metre and bastard because that is the intention). Happy blogging... and if you have time to spare go to mistoqsija , I personally do not like the style at all... but as I told l'anonyme once - thank God it's not just me who is out there.
Anonymous said...
Fuq liema kriterji il-blogg ta' Mistoqsija mhux inkluz fil-lista, filwaqt li l-blogg ta' certu Francesco (Mon Cousin) huwa?
jacques rené zammit said...
ghaziz (sarkazmu) anonimu:
x'ahlew... twegiba mimlija licenza poetika jisthoqqlok...
tal-mistoqsija trid twegiba
mhux ghax haqqek, imma hawn hi
la hi enigma, lanqas tisliba
hafna easy - daqs l-A B C
francesco... (mon cousin)
liema parti tqila ghalik?
cesko tieghi il-kugin
not too difficult, don't you think?
dwar mistoqsija taghmel ghageb
iffissat, tridha on my list
però jekk jien le ma nwiegeb
poem issirlek... tibqax trist!
16 commentaires:
just as i was about to commence with a tsunami of anonymous sadomasochistic gay propositions...
guess i'll have to go back to my kate winslet fetish...
and angelina jolie...
and cameron diaz...
Prosit hi, avukat u poeta, veru tifel sew:P
Where exactly do I come into this?? :O
Listen Jacques, I myself rarely visit this blog and I'm sorry if some anonymous person decided to include me. Personally I do not think it's fair for you to give me shit just because someone mentioned me. I'm sorry but I'm not the type to go around blogs questioning why people have/have not put me in their blogroll. And to make it even clearer, I accept your opinion of not liking my blog but please please please spare me the drama. If only I had time to post anonymous comments or ask people to post them.. I wish I did, but I don't. And perhaps you will one day realise, that a person's dignity goes far beyond you being bugged by some anon writer or not liking my blog.
drama? I called a spade a spade. I think I was quite honest about it all... so if you accept my opinion that's that. I think the post was clearly about the anonymous poster of comments so I do not see why you should get all het up.
On the other hand you yourself (nice Lornism by the way) will have some explaining to do: "person's dignity goes far beyond you being bugged by some anon writer or not liking my blog" still does not make sense after the 7th reading... goodnight and happy blogging.
There is something very disturbing about mistoqsija's statement that she wished she had time to post anon comments or ask people to post them.
as observant as an archaeologist athena.
there are many other disturbing coincidences which I preferred to ignore. as far as i am concerned (and unless futher provocation is forthcoming) the hatchet is buried along with any potential anonymous comments.
as the poet once wrote (in this case myself) ... never mind the B(OL)LOGS!
> never mind the B(OL)LOGS!
ROFLMAO. I LOVE this phrase! It's going to go up on my noticeboard!
Jacques, I do not need to justify myself for doing anything for indeed there is nothing to justify but still I am commenting here for I want to make things clear. All I want to point out is that when I read the blog, it seemed to me that you were in every way suggesting that I was in some way connected to those messages especially since you kept referring to anonymous as a 'she' even tho you don't really know what sex the anon comments come from. Indeed the Maths is elementary and the most obvious conclusion often seems to be the most easy to accept. But that doesn't make it truth.
In the meantime, seeing that I had no link with such posts, myself being very against the concept of anonymity (hence the elimination of anonymous comments on my blog) I do not like you dissing me or my blog in such a way simply because some anonymous blogger got on your nerves.
Of course you have all the right to hold an opinion against my blog and I honestly do not mind that. My own blog roll includes a little number of favourites and so I am in no way in a position of criticising a non exhaustive list of blogs. And just in case you're reading too much into whatever coincidences you might have encountered, please note that I, just like most bloggers I presume, do not find the essence of my living in publicising my blog and including it in a blogroll.
take#1: from three comments up: "as far as i am concerned (and unless futher provocation is forthcoming) the hatchet is buried". Speaks for itself.
take #2: i never asked you to justify but to explain a sentence which made no sense. Again, your last comment is full of Lornisms as well as gangland slang which made me cringe (dissing? - yo yo bling bling an' all dat).
take #3: nobody cares about blogrolls except our anonymous watchamaycallhimorher it seems. so stop whinging.I had a whim of giving anonymous a female sex. It could be because of that irritating "Xi trid tghid biha..." which began one of her comments. Anonymous is anonymous eh... so female or male anonymous it will remain... and unless somebody owns up to the comments we will have no way of knowing.
take #4: i repeat... my take was on the anonymous person. your getting all flustered and loghorraic did not help your cause much. we can keep on posting retorts... i enjoy them. i reserve the right to perform a lorna-style analysis on your juicy contributions.
once again i wish you happy blogging. enjoy life and the law course and rest assured that no-one's "essence of their living" will be found in their publicising their blog or blogroll.
Fost dan l-għagħa li qam, il-ħaġa hi... possibbli ħadd ma nduna li l-link għall-blogg ta' mistoqsija fil-bloggata huwa fil-fatt ħażin għaliex huwa llinkjat għal mistoqisja.blogspot.com?
Forsi apposta?
dazgur. x'affarijiet dawn.
Nilgħabha naqra tal-fidil :)
Ghaddiet it-tempesta jew?
Jidhirli li dat-tahwid kollu beda minhabba certi kummenti anonimi ostili li feggu mhux biss hawnhekk izda wkoll f'diversi bloggijiet ohrajn, fosthom Ajjut, Krizi, WT, il-kartuns ta' Whatever... Ma nafux jekk gewx kollha mill-istess wiehed/wahda, imma jiena rajt fihom l-istess nuqqas ta' rispett, mhux biss lejn il-bloggejja izda lejn il-bloggosfera Maltija nnifisha. Nittamaw li l-viljakkerija tieqaf, ghalkemm jekk l-iskop ta' l-anonimu/a misterjuz/a kien li jaqla' l-inkwiet bejnietna nahseb li rnexxielu/ha.
So, let's get back to some serious blogging... ghalkemm jien ser ikolli nieqaf ftit ghax issa ghandi ezami riesaq lejja bhal trejn!
Mill-bqija, prosit Jacques tat-tharbixa, donnok giullare tas-seklu XXI! :-)
Antoine, ma ninsewx li l-promozzjoni lill-bloggosfera ingħatat anke riċentament bl-artiklu fuq it-Times (għadni nistenna li jittella' fuq il-website għax ma qrajtux) isservi bħal sikkina: tista' tużaha biex iddellek il-butir u tista' tużaha biex tweġġa'.
Jiġifieri għalkemm kulħadd jieħu gost li l-bloggosfera qed tingħata iktar attenzjoni, wieħed issa jrid jipprepara ruħu li fost dawk il-qarrejja ġodda mill-promozzjoni, hemm ukoll uħud li huma nfluwenzati mill-kultura partiġġjana Maltija bil-mentalita' ta' "jekk ma naqbilx miegħek, naqlagħlek kemm niflaħ ħama u nipprova nirrovinak."
Fuq kollox, kif għidt sewwa int, ma rridux ninsew li din tal-kummenti anononimi abbużivi ilha sejra ftit mhux ħażin.
PS. Good luck għall-eżami, int u l-bloggejja l-oħra li se jtuh.
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